Throughout my time at the University of Maryland, I had the opportunity to develop my leadership skills. In my various endeavors, I strengthened my communication, time management, writing, digital marketing, and public speaking skills, while learning more about the world around me. To learn more about a specific organization, activity, or project, feel free to contact me directly.

I marketed SUSA and the Smith School of Business to students through the creation of an Instagram account and the maintenance of a Facebook account. Using Hootsuite, I set a social media strategy that built our brand and empowered the student body. I also assisted with hosting and promoting 30+ events each semester and to foster community within and promote the Smith brand. My social media marketing and time management capabilities were strengthened immensely, as well as my ability to work in a team.

As SoCruit Coordinator, I led all Facebook and Instagram marketing efforts to recruit a record-breaking number of applicants in the first few weeks of the semester. As a tour guide, I promote UMD to prospective students each week through public speaking and interpersonal skills. I love getting to share my pride in my university!

Pledge Class VP of Philanthropy
As the VP of Philanthropy for my pledge class during my initial semester, I planned and executed a successful philanthropy event that raised money for the Washington D.C. chapter of Ronald McDonald House. Time management and teamwork were crucial in this role. I also loved bonding with my pledge class and having fun with the brotherhood!

Recruitment Chair
As recruitment chair, I worked with my co-chairs to plan and execute 5 recruiting events for 100+ potential new members and to generate hype by creating and managing Instagram and Facebook accounts for the fraternity. As a member of the fraternity, I completed 30+ hours of service each semester. Throughout these endeavors, I learned about the importance of servant leadership and strengthened my communication and time management skills, and had a great time giving back to my community.

Tour Guide for the Smith School of Business
We bring the excitement of Smith to potential students through leading tours, giving presentations, and communicating with students and their parents! I love being part of high school students' journeys to UMD and am so grateful for this experience.
Aside from the various clubs I was part of, I also had the chance to do a bunch of other cool things during my time at UMD, including once-in-a-lifetime trips, a case competition, and serve as an orientation leader for international students.

As a student at UAB, I got to take classes in economics and Spanish while exploring the city, trying new foods, and engaging with people from different cultures. I also had the opportunity to travel to 12 countries while in Europe! This experience kickstarted my love of travel and my desire to explore the world even further.

The summer after my freshman year, I got to accompany the Business, Society, & Economy Scholars Program to the west coast, where we stopped in Portland, Seattle, and the Bay Area. We had site visits to companies such as Nike, Facebook, Tableau, and Starbucks, while also getting a chance to explore the cities.

My team and I worked to solve a case problem for NewDay USA about their marketing efforts. We did research, produced recommendations, and presented to a team from the company. This was my first case competition, so it was a great learning experience for future projects.

International Student Orientation Leader
After my semester abroad, I got to do a 180 flip and serve as a tour guide and mentor for incoming international students at UMD. I gave tours, presented seminars, and offered advice to students. I also made lasting friendships with some of the international students and am hoping to visit them in their home countries one day.